Strange times call for solidarity measures

Update III
We continue to receive donations and we are very happy about this. Especially, because Corona doesn't seem like a one-time blind drunk evening, but rather like a long-term alcoholism. One week ago, on 10.4. we started to distribute the first donations and since then 2225 €urons have arrived in our fund. With this cash, we will continue to support 5 projects, that would otherwise be threatened in their existence because of the lockdown. We are thrilled that even more than a month after the lockdown began so many people are still participating and we are looking forward to hopefully being able to have a beer together soon.
Appeal for donations
At this point, we don't need to tell anyone, what has been happening lately. Whatever our positions are on the deepening restrictions on our personal freedom, which are taken in order to combat the pandemic - the impact on our social life is serious, especially for precariously employed people, for homeless people or for people without residential status.
Many left-wing structures are severely affected, as they still have to pay their fixed costs (rents and more), inspite of being not able (or not willing) to apply for funding from the state.
These are the spaces that form the infrastructure of our beloved radical left scene, these are the spaces, where we receive information and conduct political debates, where people can use safe spaces, where even people with very little money can get a warm meal or where we can organize solidarity parties to collect money for important political work.
It is important that our structures are maintained beyond the current situation.
Since everyone is going to party less at the moment, but wants to be back in the post-Corona era, it would be great if you could use your party budget to save your favourite projects! And that's exactly why we have set up a donation account.
It is important to us that not every every project and every space has to look after itself to bridge the time, but that we stand up for our structures in these times together and in solidarity!
Who can get money?
In particular, we would like to support spaces and groups which cannot or can only with great difficulty obtain other funds - either due to their structure, the nature of their work or other reasons.
It goes without saying, that we do not support any commercial interests, whereby we do not consider the payment of staff to be a commercial interest. The place should be run collectively, and understanding oneself politically left, that means working for an emancipatory and anti-capitalist policy. Above all these are spaces, which are also regularly found in the stress factor.
Spaces and groups, that meet these criteria are welcome to send us an email, in which you shall briefly describe the work that is being done and what funds are needed to continue the work.
Please write a mail to with the subject: Covid-Soli
We would like to donate money, how can we do it?
Since there is currently hardly any access to soli-donation boxes, we actually have to resort to bank transfers in this case. We would be happy if people, who just have some left over funds would not only transfer money once, but would actually support the spaces and projects regularly for the time of the shutdown.
Currently you can transfer donations to us via the following ways:
Bank transfer:
Recipient: Stressfaktor
IBAN: DE50 1001 0010 0636 9291 03
Subject: Covid-Soli
We are checking for further transfer possibilities and will add them here as soon as we got hold of them.
And how will the money be distributed?
We will distribute the money to the projects that contact us according to their needs. The higher the costs a project is facing, the more we will try to support it. For transparency we will regularly publish the current amount of donations and the number of supported projects. In order to avoid safety risks for the projects involved, we cannot publish exactly which projects are getting support from us.
Last but not least
Since the stress factor is currently not used so extensively, please share the action through all channels available. Let's do it together, in solidarity!
Your stress factor
UPDATE Donations II
Today, the 10.4., we already have collected 3329€, thanks again to all participants, you are great. In the meantime we support 5 projects in Berlin
And also a big thank you to all the people who have filled the Stressfaktor in the last years, who organize demos, concerts, information evenings and much more!
UPDATE Donations
Hello everyone, we hope everyone is well and you are focusing your energies on all the wonderful revolutionary things we will be doing again soon. We are enthusiastic about how solidarity lives on in this Corona thing. 1845€ support has reached us until this Sunday, we think that's awesome for one week.
With the second message we are not quite sure if it is good news or bad news. So far only 4 projects have contacted us, who want to use the Covid-Soli.
That's either good news, because it could mean that all the other shops and projects get along so well, or it simply means that nobody has heard about the fundraising campaign yet, because no one is looking at the Stressfaktor . We will release the first funds from the pot at the end of the week, so if you know of any projects that need cash because of Covid, feel free to pass on the hint as long as they meet the criteria below.